Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sanctus Real - Lead Me

I love this song! It's about Marriage -- it takes both parties, working hard, thinking about others - not just themselves, making sacrifices, to make a marriage work. And when you feel you need help - someone to lead you, there is someone to ask -- God, your parents, other family and friends, etc., that can help you/lead you to make your marriage a happy one. You don't have to go it alone.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Matt Maher-Hold Us Together

Some of the lyrics might be hard to read, but it's a great song, starts out slow and ends up with a big flourish! the second video is his explaination for writing the song. interesting!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

MercyMe-All of Creation

Another favorite right now! I really enjoy MercyMe songs!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bebo Norman - Falling Down

This is a song from 2002, but it's still one of my favorites --
You're on my side, You're just in time, I'm on my way!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Alive Again - Matt Maher

I like videos that have the lyrics - it makes it so much easier!

You called and You shouted
Broke through my deafness
Now I'm breathing in and breathing out
I'm alive again

You shattered my darkness
Washed away my blindness
Now I'm breathing in and breathing out
I'm alive again

that's what happened to me on Feb. 25, 1974 - will never forget it!